Some frequently asked questions with answers about Alpine Evergreen property and Alpine Trails, LLC. Click on the questions to see the answer.
Q. How do I get a land use permit to hike on the Alpine Evergreen trails?
A. Getting a permit requires a signed application and fee for each adult in your household. You can email us for an application at: info@alpinetrailsllc.com ; Call the office at: 360-674-2303 to get an application mailed to you; Apply online at: www.alpineevg.com
Q. Can I ride my quad on the trails?
A. No, we do not permit motorized vehicles such as quads, motorcycles or the like.
Q. What are your office hours?
A. We do not have set office hours and recommend that you call ahead or make an appointment to come into the office.
Q. Can I get a day pass to hike Alpine Trails?
A. No day pass is available. The Land Use Permit is for the season, you may buy a season pass.
Q. Who do I need to talk to about leasing your industrial property?
A. Contact the main office at: 360-674-2303 or email: info@alpineevg.com
Q. What should I do if I see suspicious activity on the Alpine Evergreen Co land?
A. Report illegal activity to local law enforcement and to the Patrolman at (360) 731-3650 or (360) 674-2303.
Q. Do you have a leash policy for dogs?
A. dogs and other animals must be under owner’s control. There is no leash requirement for dogs. However, aggressive dogs, even on a leash are not permitted.
Q. What types of animals might I encounter on your land?
A. Alpine Evergreen Co land is forest land and as such has a variety of wild life that share the land. You may see wolves, bears, cougars, deer, rabbits, birds, frogs, squirrels and much much more.
Q. Are campfires allowed?
A. No fires, open flame, fireworks or any other items or activities that my cause fires are allowed at any time.
Q. Do you sell firewood?
A. We do have firewood for sale on occasion. Typically when we are logging we will have an opportunity to purchase firewood that we deliver to your location. Contact the office for more information.
Q. Can I make new trails?
A. We allow some cutting of brush to go off trail, however we do not allow new trails to be created and we do not allow the cutting of any trees.
Q. May I gather berries and mushrooms?
A. You may pick berries and mushrooms for personal use, however, be aware that not all varieties are safe for consumption. Picking of berries and mushrooms is at your own risk.
Q. Where do I park?
A. Be considerate when parking near the trail entry. Parked or idle vehicles and/or trailers shall not block or impede traffic at gates or on roadways at any time. Alpine will remove at the owner’s expense any vehicle blocking any gate or roadway.
Q. Does Alpine allow hunting on their property?
A. While we do not allow the public to hunt on our property, family members are allowed to hunt on the property. Therefore, it is recommended that people and their animals wear bright colors while in the forest from the beginning of October through the end of November, which is during deer hunting season. In addition, there are several adjacent forested properties and hunters might unknowingly cross the property lines, thus it is advisable to be cautious while in the forest at all times.
Q. Where do I find the rules for Land Use?
A. You will find the rules in several locations: 1) Posted at each entrance of the property; 2) They are part of the Land Use Agreement you sign when you obtain your pass, it is recommended that you keep a copy for your records; 3) Online at: https://alpineevg.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Land-Use-Agreement-Doc.pdf
Q. What do I do if I see trash or activity not in Alpine’s best interest?
A. We require all Land Use Permittees to be a good steward of the land, clean up after themselves and their animals or leave the land cleaner that they found it. As we work together to preserve the forest it is in both our best interest to keep a clean and natural environment for all. Notify Alpine immediately of any activity that is suspect. Call the Patrolman at (360) 731-3650 or (360) 674-2303.